Cultivating crape myrtles as lawn and landscape ornamentals is rather easy: they look amazing; they are quite resilient to pests or weather conditions and have great value on the farming markets. The crape myrtles’ resilience to pests, however, is contested nowadays by a new and rather exotic pest threatening them. Many horticulture, agriculture and pest control Frisco TX specialists warn about the crape myrtle bark scale – a dangerous pest which, of course, found its way to Texas and thrives. Our pest control Frisco, TX specialists are here today to offer you a quick guide on the CMBS so you can recognize and control it properly should it attack your crape myrtles.

What Is the Crap Myrtle Bark Scale?

The CMBS is an insect first observed and found in Texas more than 12 years ago. Originating from Asia, the pest was found to have an appetite for crap myrtles and pomegranates. Five years ago, the insect was found to have been spread tremendously with dire consequences for crap myrtle plantations.

How Can You Recognize the CMBS?

Take a look at your crape myrtles and see if their bark, branches or twigs are covered in something resembling white or gray encrustations fully stuck on the myrtles’ parts. If you press on these encrustations and crush them you will notice a pink liquid exuding (pink blood-like substance). This is the warning sign of a serious CMBS infestation.

Another sign of infestation is a black sooty mold accumulated on the myrtles’ bark and trunks. Don’t mistake this sign for a common myrtle aphid infestation. Crush the horrific looking crust on the bark and watch out for the pink blood dripping. Also look for the white / gray adult scales stuck to the bark and branches for a definitive diagnosis. In case you are not sure you have a CMBS infestation on your hands, call your pest control Frisco, TX specialists for a diagnosis and treatment plan.

What Can You Do about the Crape Myrtle Black Scale?

Keep in mind that this insect has at least three or four generations occurring every year. Keep a close eye to your crape myrtles from early April to late June. This time frame corresponds to the eggs’ first lifecycle and it is mandatory to notice it and take measures before the infestation turns into a catastrophe. Even the mildest infestation will affect the looks and quality of your myrtles.

Before you start spraying your crap myrtles with pesticides and insecticides, call your pest control Frisco TX specialists for a thorough evaluation and diagnosis. There are no definitive, true-and-tested methods yet to eliminate the scales, but a combination of tailored pesticides, organic tree cleaning methods and insect growth regulators may prove efficient in deterring these nasty pests.

The best intervention is prevention, however, in this case. Always check your crape myrtles from early spring to late summer water them correctly and make sure they get the proper amounts of soil nutrients. Should you see some bizarre encrustations on the bark or branches, immediately call your pest control Frisco TX experts.