Some feel that mosquitoes represent an integrated part of living in Texas and no matter what pest control activities and treatments they employ, the nasty pests will eventually come back and thrive. Our pest control McKinney, TX experts have a different opinion. They joined a team of lawn care Plano, TX specialists and came up with a list of five plants which keep mosquitoes at bay naturally, organically and completely effortless.

Are you tired of spraying, applying all sorts of substances, installing traps and so on? Let’s take up some organic gardening and plant some herbs, spices, flowers and plants to serve a double purpose: scare mosquitoes away for good AND add a bit of color, scent and healing to your garden.

1. Lavender

Did you notice that many herbs with healing and cooking features are also excellent organic pest repellents? If you already use dry lavender indoors to keep moths in control, take it outside as well. Plant it around the house, make lavender rows and flower beds, place it in pots on decks and patios and insert it in the vegetable garden as well. Mosquitoes resent it and won’t come any closer to you anymore.

2. Basil

If you always wanted fresh basil with your salads but never got to planting it, now it’s the time. Basil is a great scented herb in the kitchen, but also a reliable mosquito repellent. Plant it around the house and add it to your flower garden, flower beds and rows and even hardscapes. Our pest control McKinney, TX specialists also recommend you keep dry basil inside the house or fresh, grown in pots indoors, for a more powerful anti-mosquito effect.

3. Marigolds

Our flower service McKinney, TX specialists together with their lawn care Allen, TX colleagues insist on putting marigolds on the list. These beautiful flowers are not only good looking. They are also organic mosquito controllers. We may love marigolds’ scent, but it seems mosquitoes hate it deeply. Find marigolds a home on your property, play with several flower designs and let them not only make your landscape more enjoyable but keep mosquitoes far, far away from you.

4. Mint

A scented herb used in the kitchen or as an herbal remedy, mint is an excellent pest repellant no matter if you get your hands on wild varieties or cultivated ones. Mint seems to efficiently repel mosquitos, keeping them at arm’s length. Since mint is a sturdy, resilient plant, you can host it almost anywhere on your property and in different flower/herbs combinations.

5. Rosemary

Our lawn care McKinney, TX specialists include rosemary as a precious mosquito repellent which can also keep at bay a full mosquito infestation. Moreover, flower service Plano, TX experts recommend planting rosemary around the property, in flower pots, flower beds or rows, as this scented herb is a great add-on in the kitchen and in the herbal remedy cabinet.