Palm trees are quite popular here in Texas and they make a beautiful addition to any landscape. These tropical beauties need just as much care as other kinds of trees do, including regular fertilization. March is the best time of year to fertilize your palm trees because they will need plenty of nutrients to help them emerge from winter dormancy. When it comes to fertilizing palm trees, smaller palms do best with deep root feedings and larger palms do best with trunk injections. Fertilizing your palm trees every March will also strengthen them and help them fight off environmental stressors like insects and diseases.

Fertilizing your palm trees in March will help them emerge from winter dormancy.

Fertilizing your lawn in the spring is incredibly important for helping it green up successfully; the same goes for your palm trees. After a long winter season, your trees may need a bit of help to emerge from dormancy. This is where yearly fertilization comes into play. By fertilizing your palm trees in March, you are replenishing their supply of vital nutrients. These nutrients are what keep your palm trees healthy and beautiful. They also give your trees the strength to green up beautifully after a long winter season.

The most important nutrients in fertilizer are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

What are the best methods for fertilizing your palm trees?

Palm tree granular fertilizer being applied to palm soil in Sachse, TX.

When it comes to fertilizing your palm trees, there are two main methods of applying the fertilizer treatments. One option is a trunk injection; a trunk injection is a way to target a precise application of chemicals (in this case, fertilizer) directly into the vascular tissue of a tree. During a trunk injection, a hole would be drilled into the trunk of your palm tree and fertilizer would be injected right into the hole. The second application method is deep root feeding. This method involves the application of slow-release, granular fertilizer onto the soil right around the palm tree.

Which application method you choose to go with depends on the size of the tree. Smaller palm trees tend to respond best to deep root feedings, while trunk injections are typically more effective for larger palm trees.

Annual fertilization will make your palm trees more resistant to environmental stressors.

Browning palms due to lack of fertilization in Murphy, TX.

Besides helping your trees to emerge from winter dormancy, there is another important benefit to fertilizing your palm trees every year. Because you are replenishing their supply of vital nutrients, fertilizing your palm trees annually will make them more resistant to environmental stressors like diseases and insect infestations. No, this does not mean that your trees will be immune to diseases and insects; however, it does mean that if your palm trees are suffering from these issues, whatever damage is caused will be far less severe than it would be if they weren't fertilized. This can actually save you money in the long run because you won't have to spend as much on the services necessary to nurse your palm trees back to health again.

Give us a call today to sign up for our palm tree fertilization program!

Fertilizing your palm trees every year is essential for their overall health and appearance. With our palm tree fertilization program, our team here at CitiTurf can provide your palm trees with all the vital nutrients they need to thrive. For the last 19 years, we have offered this service to the residential property owners in Plano, Allen, Frisco, McKinney, and nearby areas in Texas. If you are interested in keeping your palm trees strong, healthy, and beautiful, give us a call at 972-516-0001 to sign up for our palm tree fertilization program today!