Texas homeowners love their bougainvilleas and for all the right reasons. No matter if these gorgeous ornamentals come as trees, potted plants or vines, they are a true natural colorful wonder for any property. However, bougainvilleas, just as many other Texan plants, are vulnerable to a handful of pests. Of course, summer is the season these nasty critters thrive and attack your prized ornamentals, so our pest control Allen TX specialists are here to save the day. Let’s see together some bougainvillea pests you need to watch out for!

1. Melon Aphids

You need to worry about these aphids if the temperatures go above 65 F. These pests feed on the bougainvillea vines’ leaves, leaving behind a sticky, clear honeydew type of residue. When you check out your property this summer and inspect your ornamentals and trees, make sure you take a look at your bougainvilleas’ tops and bottoms of leaves and stems. If you observe the aphids or their residue, make sure to call your pest control Allen TX experts. The problem, if left unattended, may lead to a nasty ant attack, as the aphids’ honeydew attracts ants. The insects will also defend the aphids from their natural predators.

2. Bougainvillea Loopers

The loopers are in fact inchworms attacking your bougainvillea leaves. You can spot them easily, as they are yellow-green in color and one inch in length. Their final evolution stage is brown moths and you don’t want these to lurk around your property and home for too long. Loopers feed on your bougainvillea leaves – you can also notice that very quickly as the leaves will have chewed edges and present necrotic, yellow spots on their surface. A more severe infestation is also visible with the naked eye: look at the leaves and notice black or dark gray fecal matter. Call your pest control Allen TX experts for an evaluation, as even if birds eat the loopers, an unattended attack can escalate quickly.

3. Mealybugs

These are probably the most insidious bougainvillea pests, as they can live on your ornamentals for years without being noticed. They look like small cottony masses placed at branch crotches and leaf stems. You may overlook them but try not to: they cause bougainvilleas leaves to drop massively. Also, in order to spot mealybugs infestations inspect your plants’ leaves carefully: notice clear honeydew on the leaves’ surfaces. This residue can turn into black sooty mold in time. If you have new bougainvillea plantings and mealybugs attack them, they will grow a lot slower than normal – another sign you have a mealybugs infestation on your hands. Mealybugs need almost the same type of control as aphids, as they also attract ants to protect them. Have your pest control Allen TX specialists inspect the plants and give you their advice.

Bougainvilleas are incredible plants to have on your property. They thrive in the Texan climate and they are pretty resilient to heat and other environmental conditions. However, if you want them to thrive, make sure you inspect them regularly, and you have your pest control Allen TX experts look around for pests.