Come October and our lawns, gardens and back yards start buzzing with gorgeous fall colors and life. But as all seasoned gardeners know, there are plenty of things to do and tasks to complete to have a lush and gorgeous property for the months to come. In order to help you get organized and efficient, our lawn care Plano, TX specialists have gathered here today to offer you a quick chores list to keep every green thing healthy and thriving in mid-fall.

1. Plant Flowers

The month of October is the perfect one to plant daffodils (but make sure to carefully contain them so they don’t become a liability), dianthus, cyclamen, viola, pansies among others, as they will put up a spectacular colorful show in late October and early November.

2. Plant Shrubs and Trees

If you want even more fall foliage to embellish your property, ask your landscaping Plano, TX experts to give you a hand with those shrubs and trees that still have visible autumn colors. The best species to plant this month are hardy perennials.

3. Boost Your Vegetable Garden

This is a good time to plant flowering kale and cabbage, but also garlic, leaf lettuce, parsley, radishes, spinach, turnips and cilantro. You can make good use of the organic principles we have talked so many times before and plant vegetables together with herbs and spices to create self-protecting gardens. Ask your lawn care Plano, TX specialists about watering the newly planted vegetables and make sure you offer them the right amounts of water and nutrients.

4. Tend to Your Grasses

You can overseed established fescue lawns if it is necessary or start planting cool season fescue grass this month. Ask your lawn care Plano, TX team to perform a soil test – in case you didn’t check this task off already – and help you with overseeding or planting grasses depending on your soil’s makeup, need for nourishments and sun/shade exposure. If you have a Bermuda lawn you want to overseed with winter ryegrass, it is recommended to do so by mid October.

5. Tend to Your Exotic Plants

October is a good month to bring in the potted exotic plants inside the house. Other houseplants that might be affected by the upcoming cooler season should also be brought indoors. However, don’t overlook the need for proper pest control measures. You should make sure the plants you bring in don’t come together with insects that might thrive indoors and infest the house.

6. Ground Maintenance

This is also a good month for you to refresh the layer of mulch and gather the fallen leaves from the lawn. As you know, you can shred them and turn them into decorative dry mulch, or add them to the compost. The idea is to not leave piles and layers of dead leaves on the ground because they can attract plenty of pests and wildlife. Such piles of dead leaves can also promote diseases and fungal infections, so it is better to have your lawn care Plano, TX specialists for regular leaves clean-ups and use the organic material as fertilizer.